It takes one tree to make approximately 754 newspapers--and just one narrow strip of newspaper to start a tree, flower, or vegetable.
Children can wrap newspaper strips around the wooden form and create biodegradable seedling pots without fuss, muss, or glue! A simple, step-by-step activity — children will extend folding skills as they makes an unlimited supply of biodegradable starter paper pots for your school garden.
Children can put the pot right in the ground when it's time for planting. A fabulous way to demonstrate the regenerative powers of recycling!
Wooden form can also be used with gift wrap or paper to make cups for dry snacks for a special school celebration or a parent night; a dab of glue or tape strip will be needed to hold it closed. 3¼" base x 5¼" high. Ages 4+.
Tear or cut newspaper into 3½" x 10" strips.
Wrap a strip around the wooden form.
Fold the ends under and press the form into the base.
Pull paper pot up and off.
Fill with soil, plant seeds, and water; the outward pressure of the damp soil will hold the pot together.
Teachers: We suggest using a Sharpie or other permanent marker to write the size of the paper strips you need to make the pots on the wooden form--just in case your box goes missing.
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You may return any item, for any reason, and receive an exchange, replacement or refund.
Pot Maker Make plantable seedling pots from newspaper
What a cool and simple way to reduce plastic in the seedling garden process. I'm using this mostly at home but will probably bring it in to the classroom as well. Easy to use and a lot of fun!
Pot Maker Make plantable seedling pots from newspaper
We use this plant pot maker in a Montessori primary room. It is easy and fun to use, simple in design, attractive and appealing. I think it will have a very long life - it looks hard to damage (certainly not in a way that would effect its overall functionality), and the children seem to really like using it - we've introduced pot making and seed planting (as one material) to our 4.5 - 6 year olds, and they do very well with it and return to it often. Packing paper or easel paper work well - we transitioned away from newspaper, because it starts to decompose before our starts are ready to go into the ground. Paper bag paper is too thick for children to use, but also works if you want something very sturdy. I would highly, highly recommend this product for children and gardeners alike.
Pot Maker Make plantable seedling pots from newspaper
We took the pot makers to our community Earth Day Festival. People just loved them! We heard multiple times "Why did I just buy those peat pots at Home Depot?" Great little product. Just need to prepare the strips in advance.
Pot Maker Make plantable seedling pots from newspaper
As an Elementary Science Teacher, I start a great number of seedlings with my students. Some years, I've purchased small seed-starting peat pots. Expensive. More recently, I had the kids save their milk cartons. They sure do stink if you don't wash them right away. This newspaper pot maker worked great. The kids cut their own paper to size, and were very quick and capable at rolling and pressing their pot. Their seeds started just fine, and within days the roots were poking right out through the paper, so planting was a breeze. This item was well worth the initial cost, and I've used it at home for veggies, as well.
Pot Maker Make plantable seedling pots from newspaper
The small advertising newspapers that come in the mail are the perfect size when cut lengthwise in half for making the pots. I quickly made 2 dozen pots for corn seeds. All my seeds germinated, they were easy to transplant and they are still going strong. I did use a couple of pieces of tape to hold the paper in place temporarily when constructing the pots.