Includes many other phonograms encountered in the English language a-e, a (nasal, as in can), ck, ea, i-e, o-e, oi, oo (moon), ow, double consonants. 10 packets (one per phonogram) of 6 sets of three-part laminated cards (180 cards in all).
Designed by a Montessori teacher, these well-thought out, truly phonetic, progressively structured reading program uses beautiful, clear photographs to engage the beginning reader.
Each word in this level contains a single phonogram/digraph; the rest of the word is completely phonetic! Work through them at the child's pace. Allow 1 to 2 weeks for children to work through/repeat each packet.
Rounded corners prevent damage. Printed on recycled paper. Control card with label measures 3½" x 4¼". Please note: 5-mil laminate extends just to the edge of each card, not beyond. Ages 2 - 8.