Contact Us
By Email
Email is usually the most efficient way to answer your questions. Please help us respond quickly by choosing an address from the list of subjects below. If you are inquiring about a specific order or account, please include the order number or customer number in the body of your email, along with your phone or fax number, your name, and your address.
- General inquiries, existing orders, backorders, or accounts:
- Returns, exchanges, refunds, shipping damage:
- International orders:
- Questions about products:
- Billing options, check on credit application:
- Download a Credit Application (PDF).
- Technical questions and feedback about the website:
By Phone or Fax
- Orders/Customer Service: 877-975-3003 or 707-579-3003 M-F, 8-4:30 Pacific Time
- 24-Hour Orders Only: 800-214-8959
- 24-Hour Fax: 800-483-9822 or 707-579-1604
By Mail
Montessori Services
11 West 9th Street
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
United States