Before children tackle more complex activities, they must first master the basics. This preliminary exercise is a chance to perfect an isolated skill.
Later, children will use droppers for polishing, color mixing, and science activities. The thick, stable 1 oz. Glass Jigger (1¾" base; 2⅜" high) has a weighted bottom.
Please note: The candid that is show here shows the scale of the activity but the Glass Jiggers are slightly different and appear as shown in the product photo. We apologize for any confusion.
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Operating a Dropper Activity A complete classroom activity set
I love this activity, but we did have something scary happen with it. My 3.5yo bit off the end of the glass dropper and chewed it up. I was standing two feet away when it happened. I fished broken glass out of his bleeding mouth while he gagged. I was freaking out, but he seemed fine shortly afterward. I wouldn't have thought he would do this in a million years, but he did. I would still recommend the product, I just wish I'd cautioned my son about it more specifically and been sitting right next to him the entire time.
Operating a Dropper Activity A complete classroom activity set
Kids love to play with food colors and water. Being able to practice transferring colored water from one bottle to another by yourself fascinates even the youngest of children. The materials are realistic so children intuitively realize that they are not playing with a toy. With proper supervision, used in an easy to clean up area, both parent and child will enjoy an activity that they would not normally have tried without these materials. This was a gift for my grandson after I saw what fun he had coloring Easter eggs for the first time this year.