We have this product on one of the open shelves, easily accessible for my son (2 yo). Whenever we see some insect that wondered in the house (ants, moths, spiders, stink bugs, ladybugs, mosquitoes etc..) we take this catcher and place it over, then slowly slide the yellow plate, so we do not damage the insect. Then it is ready to examine and talk about classification (how many legs, wings etc). His favorite part - is to go outside and release it! Now when he sees insect in the house he runs and gets the catcher himself and brings it to me. Once he showed me stink bug he caught himself! I have to say it is also so much better then just trying to smash the unwanted visitor the old-fashion way and then have to clean up the mess. I would recommend it for house-holds without kids too. The product is excellent quality. Explain to your child how to use it (waiting for the insect to get on the rather flat surface, placing over the insect without damaging, slowly sliding and releasing) and they will enjoy using it. Not good for flies as they are too fast!