Did it rain more or less last week? How much rain fell over the weekend? The bright red float and big numbers make it easy for young children to take and record daily readings with this sturdy rain gauge.
Older children can track specific data over time, or compare with other areas around the country or the globe.
Marks each ¼" of rain. Mount this gauge on a fence or wall (screws not included), or in the ground with the adjustable bracket/stake. 20¼". Ages 4+.
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EZ Read Rain Gauge Child-friendly weather observation tool
Although we are in a drought area I just love to see how much rain we get------when we get it. Found one of these rain gauges years ago. It finally fell apart after many Summers in the heat so went looking for it again. Could not find it. Bought another kind, could not read it and finally found this site and there it was so this time I bought one and a spare. Fantastic, love I am happy so thank you for having the perfect readable from a distance rain gauge. Price also perfect !
EZ Read Rain Gauge Child-friendly weather observation tool
We have one of these rain gauges in our garden at home and the granddaughter has always loved to check it out, then dump it. So I got one for the new garden we are making at our Montessori school. We haven't installed it yet but I know the children will enjoy checking it out and will learn from it. The numbers are big so the children can read them and the gradations help us learn about fractions.